Thursday 25 August 2011

The Bush Turkey & The Bandicoot

We don’t often get to see Bandicoots, because they are, after all, nocturnal creatures.  Yet, here I am, at half past midday, watching the matriarch of the Bush Turkeys and the tailless Bandicoot sharing oats just outside my kitchen.  There are two Bandicoots - one with its tail, and one who must’ve had an encounter with the Farmer’s Wife.  They eat at different times, as Bandicoots travel solo.  That is, unless they’re travelling with their feathered friends.

I go out and throw some more oats around for them, and the Bandicoot, which used to hop away, terrified by my presence, doesn’t even flinch.  I watch him eating and just the sight of his little mouth chewing the oats fills me with such love that I can’t contain it!!  My heart is overflowing, and I thank God for these wonderful visitors who have changed their way of living in the world, just as I have.

Looking out the kitchen window, I spot another Bush Turkey coming to check out the little creature who just shouldn’t be here on her watch.  She struts, spreads her tail feathers and, backing up to the Bandicoot, throws sand all over him with her strong feet.  The Bandicoot is quite unconcerned, as his new friend, the matriarch, chases her away, and resumes her meal, side by side with her friend.  The other turkey comes back for another look, but the matriarch just chases her away again and again.  She is not only completely unfazed by the little fellow’s presence, but is protective of him as well.

Their behaviour fills me with awe, and shows me, once again, that we can all get on with each other with just a little tolerance and acceptance of each other’s differences.  I am truly blessed to be living in this state of Love.

Love and Light